News ID: 4604
Publish Date : 11 June 2023 - 10:55

How far will the price drop in the car market continue?

Surveys indicate that prices continue to fall in the car market, while the decrease in purchase demand and the increase in supply for sale have also fueled the further decrease in prices in this market.
Khodrocar - The car market, which experienced tense days last year and the prices in this market reached their highest level these days and with the passing of three months of the year, it continues to see a downward trend in prices, while the increase in demand and the intensification of the market's thirst in the year It led to several decisions from the Ministry of industry, the most prominent of which was the implementation of the car pre-sale plan in the integrated system, which part of the market demand went towards buying cars from this system. With the beginning of the new year, the prediction of price reduction in the market did not come true, and even with the announcement of new prices by the Competition Council, the price growth in the car market was ignited.

The upward trend of car prices continued until the middle of May, but since the acceptance of the car sales plan was pleasing to the taste of car manufacturers and the Ministry of Industry, it was decided to start the second phase of car sales in the integrated system, and at the same time, the prices were included in the publication platforms. The advertiser is banned.

Carrying out these actions and then determining the time of delivery of the cars and announcing the second stage of pre-sale and registering more than one million people in the second stage of this project started the price reduction. In this situation, the increase in the supply and delivery of some registered cars by car manufacturers was also a reason to reduce the psychological burden of the car market. At the same time, the news about the status of imported cars and the arrival of several shipments of these cars also broke the price freeze in the import market so that we can see the price of cars decrease further.

In the meantime, the pricing of assembled cars by the Competition Council and the requirement of private car manufacturers to comply with the new prices also reduced the price of assembled cars. The new pricing model of these cars brought the price of these cars to a significant reduction even compared to the previous prices of the dealers and increased the price difference between the factory and the market for these types of cars even more.

Therefore, experts believe that all these factors, along with the implementation of the second stage of integrated car sales, should be considered as the reasons for the drop in prices in the car market.

In a situation where the difference between the factory price and the market has reached its highest level, the customers by registering in the sales plans showed that they are ready to wait for a long time to receive the car, but buy their car at the factory price, in the meantime assembly uncertainty also caused customers waiting to buy these cars to wait until the final determination of disputes between private car manufacturers and the Competition Council.

According to Khodrokar, market trend analysis shows that the lack of buyers has led to a gentle price drop in the car market, while currency fluctuations and price drops in the foreign exchange market have also become the cause, so it is expected until the time of transmission. Important political or economic news, as well as the low rate of the dollar, the market will continue its current trend.