News ID: 3389
Publish Date : 12 October 2018 - 07:30

Few Steps to Transform Tehran To a Parking for Worn-out Cars

The parliament is working to finalize the auto market organization plan and make the automakers to be part of worn-out cars scraping plan, since most of scrapyards broke of closed after vehicle importation banned. Now the question is does this plan have the ability to solve the problem which happened because of importation ban?
Khodrocar – After the news of vehicle importation ban announced the doors of scrapping closed toward the industry. The responsibility of scrapping worn-out cars was on importers shoulders and automakers were exempted from this duty.

Now as the vehicle importation banned and no one knows when they would be able to import vehicle again, importers should scrap remaining worn-out vehicle without any profit. They have the struggle with losses and then scrap remaining worn-out vehicle without any help from the automakers.

Since the beginning of the summer and start of vehicle importation ban, most of scrapyards are moving toward broke. Officials warned the government that if this continues then street will be full of worn-out cars. However, this warning wasn’t enough and there is no sign of automakers joining importers in scraping cars.

"It’s a bad news that since the start of vehicle importation ban near 70 to 80 percent of scrapyards closed or broke or they near to be closed. Even, active centers do not have good condition and they may close their doors very soon.” Mostafa Joudi, Chairman of the board of scrapyards and recycling centers told khodrocar reporter.

"Right now, the participation of automakers in scrapping plan has been approved in the commission but we have to wait for the parliament to approve this plan.” He continued.

10 days ago the Industry and mining commission of the parliament approved that automakers should scrap a car for every 4 cars they produce. Meanwhile, the responsibility of scrapping cars was on shoulders of importers since 5 years ago.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani