News ID: 3269
Publish Date : 12 September 2018 - 08:00

Releasing Imported Cars from Customs: Cures No Pain

The order of clearance of remain imported cars in the customs is turning to a hot topic. Although, there are some question about the clearance of the cars due to the shortage of details but most of all car companies, part and after sales service suppliers will suffer from this decision.
Khodrocar – Clearance of imported cars from customs has announced without any details has made some questions like why there are no details about this decision and will it happen or not? 

 "Announcing the news of clearance of cars from customs without any detail and before any approve is just looks like a propaganda from the media to put more pressure on the government to speed up the procedure.” Farbod Zaveh, an expert of auto industry told Khodrocar. 

 "It doesn’t seem to happen and it more seems to be a psychological pressure on the auto market during the last days of the summer.” Ali Azizi, another expert of auto industry told Khodrocar. 

 "These cars can’t have impact on the market and they may change the price of a car for 5 percent which will return back very soon.” Zaveh added. "The real important question is when all these cars are bought, after or before April? If they have been bought before April why they were stucked in the customs too long? and if they are bought after April means they are smuggled into the country.”

 "It seems that all these efforts all for calming the media but the economy won’t calm down with talk. Changing rules and procedures will return the condition to its normal. It means, all restrictions during the past 4 months should be removed then the market will be stable and find its way.” He added.

 "The car importation statistics show the number of 60 thousand annually and till now private sector has fired near 2 thousand people.” Zaveh said. "The country is suffering more than what we see and the wound of part and spare part importation is worst than anything. The number of damaged and moderated personnel in spare parts is not comparable to those involved in the import and sale sector. It also prohibits the importation of parts, including parts such as tire and brake pads and other safety components, on the risk of human health and safety” 

The things about the clearance of imported vehicles will be execute by an instruction and some of them will enter the market. But the unclear thing is the future of importation companies which is tied to the open or close of SABTARESH website and unfortunately the government hasn’t had a decision till now. Importers also have no specific plans for the future of their presence or even their being in the market.

Khodrocar Journalist: Mostafa Anisi
Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani