The order of clearance of remain imported cars in the customs is turning to a hot topic. Although, there are some question about the clearance of the cars due to the shortage of details but most of all car companies, part and after sales service suppliers will suffer from this decision.
News ID: 3269    Publish Date : 2018/09/12

Iraq, where Iranian are not too fund of, turned to be the main export destination of Iran’s automobile industry so far. It also looked to be a good dear for lots of years to come but the whole plan change with US government pulling out of JCPOA making even Iraq along other European companies to reduce its automotive relations with Iran.
News ID: 3169    Publish Date : 2018/08/21

Importing tire was announced banned in some specific sizes and import lists. The news is short yet surprising because tire is not in Group 4 of 1339 number of pre determine goods that are banned from importing to Iran. Yet chairman of Tire Industry Association of Iran said before that with importing tires being banned, we will face no problem, but now the market is showing otherwise.
News ID: 3136    Publish Date : 2018/08/15

Exchange rate fluctuations made the car deals stop during last week and the market for imported cars is in recession. On the other side, the importers didn’t do anything to make the situation better and there is the possibility that the side markets become more and more active.
News ID: 2396    Publish Date : 2018/04/16

Yesterday, minister of industry, mine and trade announce that according to the government’s new approval, import tariffs for hybrid vehicles will be reduced.
News ID: 2383    Publish Date : 2018/04/14

The last updates on vehicle import registration website (Sabtaresh) shows that Moin Motor and Mammut Khodro have succeeded to import some vehicles to Iran.
News ID: 1492    Publish Date : 2017/12/28

During the recent days, there rumors about the government’s decision to increase the vehicle import tariff but the Economic Ministers didn’t conform it, yet. The question is that how much the Chinese benefit from the increases of vehicle import tariff?
News ID: 1345    Publish Date : 2017/12/15

According to the latest information, 400 million dollars of auto parts are imported to the country and this is while the government insist on the support of domestic production. This looks like a great conflict.
News ID: 796    Publish Date : 2017/10/29

Finally, after 9 months of hard work, details regarding the new instruction of vehicle import regulations has been revealed.
News ID: 449    Publish Date : 2017/09/21