It is almost 15 months vehicle import registration and its related marginal issues are making headlines everywhere. Through the period up and down of government’s decisions did not let the imports to settle down.
News ID: 3301    Publish Date : 2018/09/20

The order of clearance of remain imported cars in the customs is turning to a hot topic. Although, there are some question about the clearance of the cars due to the shortage of details but most of all car companies, part and after sales service suppliers will suffer from this decision.
News ID: 3269    Publish Date : 2018/09/12

During last year, vehicle import s faced many problems like the shutdown of SABTARESH website. However, public officials are still following up the last year’s violations. Unaware that car imports are now banned and there is not enough currency to allocate credit. Now the question is why the government is focusing on the past rather than future?
News ID: 2966    Publish Date : 2018/07/13

Auto industry was a leader industry after the JCPOA to improve the economy condition but it isn’t in a good shape. In this situation importers hope to see a better condition for imported vehicles soon.
News ID: 2844    Publish Date : 2018/06/19

Iran’s imported vehicle tariff will be increased and due to exchange rate fluctuations, the domestic car prices will increase too. It is expected that next year will be Chinese Automakers’ year but Renault can be a game changer.
News ID: 1433    Publish Date : 2017/12/23

KhodroCar reports;
The Government cabinet will review the new instructions of vehicle import today.
News ID: 1330    Publish Date : 2017/12/13

A month after the car import registration website came to a halt, Deputy Minister of Industry as the vehicle import authority in the government announced some news about new conditions over vehicle import s inside the country’s borders.
News ID: 218    Publish Date : 2017/08/14