Releasing all goods from customs except vehicles pups the question what is the problem of the government with vehicle importation?
News ID: 3290    Publish Date : 2018/09/16

The order of clearance of remain imported cars in the customs is turning to a hot topic. Although, there are some question about the clearance of the cars due to the shortage of details but most of all car companies, part and after sales service suppliers will suffer from this decision.
News ID: 3269    Publish Date : 2018/09/12

Khodrocar Reports;
According to the latest statistics, there are 10 thousand imported cars are parked in Iran’s custom. This is happening after the registration web site shut down, but there is a question, how a car had permission to import but stock on the custom?
News ID: 1197    Publish Date : 2017/12/02

Khodrocar reports;
Iran’s customs established a new instruction last week, which bans the selling of abandoned over 2500cc cars and make them return.
News ID: 461    Publish Date : 2017/09/23