News ID: 3004
Publish Date : 20 July 2018 - 09:28

The Production of Incomplete Cars: From Rumors to Reality

During the last week more than 20 thousand car produced due to the lack of auto parts while most of them are stuck at the custom. Now as we are closing to the day of international sanction execution can we count on our own auto part industry?
Khodrocar – during the recent weeks, producing cars faced with shortages and difficulties because of lack of auto parts. As it said, most of cars have been produced incomplete waiting for essential part.

Last week, Mohammad Reza Najafi Manesh told Khodrocar reporter that auto parts are stuck in the custom and now cars are producing incomplete and auto makers suffer losses.

About this condition, Maziyar Baigloo, secretary of part manufacturers association said that part manufacturers need to import some materials for continuing their activity but central bank had hurt the cycle of production by lack of cooperation with part producers. Now, as we solved most of aboard problems, unfortunately, the lack of timely allocation of currency or credit to the manufacturers has caused many production lines to be cut by production or shutdown.

While America’s pressure is getting higher and sanctions are tightening auto industry, can domestic part manufacturers produce with their highest capacity and become self-sufficient or not? According to the vision of auto industry, we should produce 1.6 million cars this year and can domestic part manufacturers support the auto industry in this challenging path?

"Right now, most of purchased auto parts stuck in the custom and most of these parts have difficulties in clearance but the government has promised to solve the problem ASAP. These days the auto industry is not in a good shape due to Trump’s pressure and some local difficulties.” Mohammad Reza Najafi Manesh, president of part manufacturers association told khodrocar reporter.

"Chairman of Iran’s custom,  central bank foreign exchange affair and ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade promised to cooperate about the parts in the customs.” He added. "At present, the problem of part makers is not only the opening of credit, but the issue of clearance of goods from the customs should be prioritized.”

"The production should continue because as the domestic part manufacturing increase the self-sufficiency would be more near to us. Domestic part makers have the capacity and ability to support the auto industry.” he said.

Since the middle of May when USA announced will exit the JCPOA, America focused on Iran’s auto industry and part industry were alongside the auto industry through thick and thin. Now auto industry is facing problems due to shortage of parts which stuck in the custom. Among all news, it seems that the strategic industry of part manufacturing has been forgotten. Meanwhile, most experts think that the capability of domestic  part industry is good and they can be self-sufficient by a little help from the government.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani