News ID: 2981
Publish Date : 16 July 2018 - 09:15

Will Renault-IDRO Contract Reach Destination?

Last year, It was promised that first Renault-IDRO production will be soon released. A promise that never turned into reality.
Khodrocar – Yesterdat was the fifty-first anniversary of IDRO. An organization that is responsible for the development and modernization of the industries and made some promises about automotive industry. One of them was Renault-IDRO joint venture.

Last year, they announced that the first joint production of Renault and IDRO will be started and in the first phase of it, it will reach the production of 11 models.

Also Mansour Moazami, Chairman of Member of the Boards of IDRO, said that our cars will be exported and If the car cannot get the right export market, its next year's production will be reduced. Quality and after-sale services were the other important factors of this contract.

However, the finalization of this contract took so long, but the official responsible for the contract announced that we observe everything and there will be no problems.

Suddenly, Donald Trump changed the game. He left Iran nuclear deal and problems started. Iran business partners started to worry. PSA was first to announce that they will leave Iran in the late July, when United States new sanctions will start.

Nevertheless, Iran and its trading partners are still waiting until July 30, so that they will decide whether to stay or leave Iran. There may be different positions from foreign companies by approaching the end of July.

France's Finance Minister has just announced that the United States government has opposed the request of French government about exempting the firms from sanctions in Iran. Considering the situation, French firms stay in Iran is not possible anymore and they will leave Iran less than a month.

It seems that if Renault wants to remain in Iran, United States pressure will paralyze this company. But one of Parliament’s members said that according to the contracts, if they decide to leave Iran, they have to pay recompense because they have the duty to fulfill their obligations and they can’t just leave Iran without any recompense.

Khodrocar – IDRO made a promise which did not realize and now more obstacles are in the way of this contract. The main question is whether IDRO is able to finalize the contract and resist against US sanctions or not.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh