News ID: 2149
Publish Date : 13 March 2018 - 09:05

Part Industry Needs a Plan, Not a Relief

Part manufacturing industry experienced shocks during passing year. Some of them were the reasons of workshops shut down, but other workshops had sectional relief. What is the best way to revive part industry in the next Iranian year?
Khodrocar – since the beginning of the Iranian year (1396) till now, automotive industry and part industry experienced high and low moments and parts makers are the major losers of the shocks and governmental decisions.

Removing exchangeable currency, increasing part import, not receiving their debts from automakers and their small share in local or foreign auto contracts is just some important problems which part manufacturers struggled with in the past year. Nevertheless, they believe in the future and some of them continue their work while they are broke.

"The only ways to save part industry is contacting with the world, opening the foreign markets and connecting to foreign automakers.” Bahram Shahriary, an auto industry expert told Khodrocar reporter.

"Contacting with other countries is the first step to improve the economy and industry, because we can negotiate with other countries and take Iran out of economic sanctions and lead the part industry toward privatization.” He added. "Private sector must support part manufacturers to sign contracts and cooperate with foreign companies and also increase the variety and quality of products. In addition, production of part will reach to an economical rate.”

"we should have a specific plan to prevent the importation of low quality parts alongside increasing the production, it shouldn’t be a relief for a period of time.” He continued. "while sanctions are lifted, it’s the best time to cooperate with foreign companies and make the market more competitive. Also private sector should participate in this section.”

1396 wasn’t a good year for part manufacturers, but it seems that auto contracts with foreign companies and promises of the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade for increasing their share in the contracts would change the conditions and sunny days will appear soon for part industry.