News ID: 1774
Publish Date : 31 January 2018 - 09:15

Importing Korean Vehicles will be banned?

Last night, Eshaq Jahangiri, First Vice-President of Iran, Banned through an instruction, those registration that did not bare transferring exchange.
Khodrocar – first vice president of Iran, banned order registration for importing from China, India, Korea and Turkey, without transferring exchange by an instruction to the central bank, the ministry of Agriculture and the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade.

The overview of the instruction is beneficial for the country and will prepare the base of using foreign exchange reserves, but it is an alarm for those products which registered without transferring exchange. In the long term, this procedure could restrict or ban importation. Now the question is what is the effect of this instruction on importing vehicles?

"Bright side of this instruction is using and transferring the capital, which is stuck in those countries, but the dark side of it, is the bad relation of Iranian and foreign banks.” Farhad Ehtesham Zad, Chairman of Automobile Importers Association. "This instruction could be an obstacle in the way of importation without good banking relations between both countries.”

"Banks and importers relation depend on people. By this instruction, the government could increase the procedure of currency allocation then increase the vehicle import registration activation. It means that the government could increase the procedure of currency allocation to control or decrease the importation and this is a big obstacle in the way of vehicle importation.” He said. "Without preparing the infrastructure and relation between importers and banks, vehicle importation won’t happen.”

China, Korea and Turkey are the entry of the most part of the vehicle importation to Iran. Without the infrastructure and cooperation between banks and importers, we may confront unofficial bans for importing a vehicle from Korea, Turkey and China.

Khodrocar Reporter: Asla Dadashloo

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani