Exactly when the imports started breathing and the foreign automakers were up to start investing in Iran, the sudden decision of government ruined everything.
News ID: 2579    Publish Date : 2018/05/11

The vehicle market is still in coma and neither the exchange rate stabilization nor the Islamic Parliament’s approval made the situation better.
News ID: 2529    Publish Date : 2018/05/04

Removing the Dollar currency from the process of vehicle registration will have different long-term consequences and it could have a dramatic effect on the import of goods and related industries.
News ID: 2078    Publish Date : 2018/03/05

Autoshow in Iran annually start their work from to January. Many automakers, importers and domestic producers attend these autoshows and they introduce their products. But what is the point of multiplicity of these autoshows?
News ID: 1785    Publish Date : 2018/02/01

During the last two years, JCPOA had positive effects on Iran’s automotive industry but some believe that this joint comprehensive plan didn’t have any effects on this industry.
News ID: 1725    Publish Date : 2018/01/26

KhodroCar Reports;
Today, the vehicle order registration website is reopening for the importers and 2018 vehicles will be riding in the street after some step up the tariffs, at last.
News ID: 1479    Publish Date : 2017/12/27

Five months have passed since the closure of car import registration website and during this period, car importers companies’ financial loss reached 1 trillion IRRs and four companies dissuaded from working with their Iranian partners.
News ID: 1325    Publish Date : 2017/12/13

Mohammadreza Nematzade ended his career while his decisions for car importers made them suffer.
News ID: 288    Publish Date : 2017/08/26