News ID: 1017
Publish Date : 17 November 2017 - 16:46

5 of the most important cars in auto history

From the ground-breaking Bugatti Veyron to the ever popular Volkswagen GTI, we take a look at 5 cars that revolutionised the automotive industry.
Khodrocar - Every petrol head would no doubt agree that when the Bugatti Veyron was launched, wrapping their heads around the numbers and statistics the Veyron produced proved to be a bit of a struggle. Powered by a 16-cylinder, 4-turbo and 64-valve engine, the Veyron announced itself as a car way ahead of its time, setting a new standard for  road-legal cars.

The humble Toyota Prius can also regard itself as an influential automobile, as it became the first mass-produced hybrid vehicle, paving the way for a wave of green-friendly cars that prevails today.

Also making the list is the SA favourite Volkswagen GTI and 1989 Mazda MX-5.

5. 1964 Ford Mustang

The Mustang was first introduced at the New York World's Fair on April 17, 1964. At the time, the Mustang was the most successful product launch in the motor industry and went on to sell more than one million units in its first 18 months. In South Africa, the Mustang continues to prove extremely popular with 101 units sold in September 2017.

4. 2004 Toyota Prius

A favourite among American celebrities and silicon valley executives, the Prius was an important car and paved the way for many hybrid vehicles. The Prius was the world's first commercially mass-produced and marketed hybrid vehicle since going on sale in Japan in 2007.

3. 1976 Volkswagen GTI

The Golf GTI has been immortalised as a hot-hatch benchmark in the automotive world. Created as a fun-to-drive, affordable car in the late 70s, the GTI has evolved through the years to become a performance-tuned luxury hatch.

2. 1989 Mazda MX-5

This kind of list would not be complete without the iconic Mazda MX-5; one of the worlds best- selling sports cars. The MX-5 is widely regarded as one of the best 'driver's' cars yet  given its light frame, punchy engine and aglity.

1. 2004 Bugatti Veyron

Even by today's standards, the Veyron reigns supreme as one of the fastest and technologically advanced road cars create yet. Its mind-boggling performance and engineering brilliance set the Veyron apart from with its ability to ease to a top speed of 407km/h. The Veyron's sucessor, the Chiron, pushes the engerring envolope even further.