When U.S. President Donald Trump visited China in November, he prodded the Chinese government to make two concessions on further opening the domestic market to American as well as other foreign automakers .
News ID: 2353    Publish Date : 2018/04/09

A lot of tech believers—and some automakers —point to a future of the automobile that’s autonomous, connected, shared, and electric. But the time frame for the envisioned wholesale transformation from today’s reality to the next era of mobility is up for debate.
News ID: 2221    Publish Date : 2018/03/23

One more nail in the coffin of the diesel engine.
News ID: 2031    Publish Date : 2018/03/03

The government’s decision about launching the clear air law requires the cooperation of automakers , importers and car scrapping centers. There are 2.5 million cars waiting in the queue to be scrapped and all organizations should work together because none of them are able to renovate the car fleet lonely.
News ID: 1961    Publish Date : 2018/02/20

Autoshow in Iran annually start their work from to January. Many automakers , importers and domestic producers attend these autoshows and they introduce their products. But what is the point of multiplicity of these autoshows?
News ID: 1785    Publish Date : 2018/02/01

The chairman of the national competition council, Reza Shiva talked about the entrance to the imported vehicle market due to the rumors about the monopoly in the market while the vehicle order registration website was close. By establishing the new instruction, he said that the council won’t enter to observe the market.
News ID: 1624    Publish Date : 2018/01/13

During the last three days, production and imports of 16 vehicles have been stopped, and the remaining ones are still in automakers ’ warehouses. What will be their fate?
News ID: 1490    Publish Date : 2017/12/28

KhodroCar Reports;
Yesterday, the speaker of the Islamic Parliament of Iran announced 4 conditions for Iranian automakers . These conditions consist of increasing the product quality, privatization of the auto industry and etc. they could be a solution for the stock problems of two major automakers but does the government has the power for privatization of these automakers ?
News ID: 1370    Publish Date : 2017/12/17

Compared to today’s environment, 10 years ago may as well have been the dark ages. Automakers were slow to change, unwilling to adapt to customer needs, indifferent to quality, and as recent recall scandals have taught us, criminally negligent with safety features. The market was flooded with bad cars, and most of us were stuck driving them.
News ID: 1236    Publish Date : 2017/12/05

Khodrocar Reports;
Iran's auto part manufacturing industry is looking forward to the contracts between local automakers and foreign counterparts, except from its own contracts, to have a chance for increasing the production and quality. But does the auto part industry find a chance to shine by the quality of productions in the auto industry?
News ID: 958    Publish Date : 2017/11/12

Bob Lutz:
Former GM exec predicts end of automotive era
News ID: 926    Publish Date : 2017/11/13

Khodrocar Reports;
The Tehran auto show will open in less than a month and the list of participants has been approved.
News ID: 835    Publish Date : 2017/11/02

Deploys in 0.08 second in case of a rollover crash.
News ID: 774    Publish Date : 2017/10/27

Khodrocar reporting;
The indisputable support of government from local automakers makes them lazy and they are not thinking about developing.
News ID: 632    Publish Date : 2017/10/14

Khodrocar Studies:
The standards of car production upgraded last year this become a reason to farewell to some of the products at the end of next year. But there is a problem because there is no successor for old cars. Some experts think that not participating in major global brands supply chain is the reason for this problem.
News ID: 430    Publish Date : 2017/09/19

Secretary of Iran Vehicle Manufacturer Association said to "Khodrocar":
"Only two major automakers have sufficient production rate" Secretary of Iran vehicle manufacturer association said." Integration of automakers is not a thing right now and priority is merging auto part manufacturer"
News ID: 380    Publish Date : 2017/09/11

Beijing intends to enact a quota system in 2018 to goad automakers to drastically expand electric vehicle production. To date, very few automakers -- foreign or domestic -- are ready to adopt the system.
News ID: 245    Publish Date : 2017/08/18