News ID: 4517
Publish Date : 23 January 2023 - 10:32

Sweet income from the glass hall/ more attractiveness of automobile factories on the eve of separation from the government

In a situation where car manufacturers are hoping to earn money from selling cars in the commodity exchange with the aim of compensating for part of the production losses, the government is trying to earn this money in order to find a new place to compensate for its budget deficit next to imported cars.
Khodrocar - The sale of cars in the commodity exchange, which was one of the main clauses of the plan to organize the car industry, has been seriously implemented these days and has left its positive effects on prices, which had many opponents before its implementation.

Currently, the government believes that the difference in profit from the sale of domestic cars in the stock market should be deposited into the government treasury, while previously it was decided that a part of this income would go to the car manufacturer and a part should be deposited into the treasury for the purpose of modernizing the transport fleet. 

Finally, no specific decision was made in this regard, and since the car was released in the stock market and the real price of the car was discovered, the car manufacturers were able to compensate part of their production losses with the income from the sale.

At the same time, in the car import regulations, it was predicted that the difference between the base price and the selling price of cars in the commodity exchange will go to the government treasury due to the prevention of rent and high profit.

In the latest incident, there are speculations about the same procedure for domestic cars. It seems that if this issue is implemented, some of the objections to the sale of cars in the commodity exchange will be resolved.

But in this situation, this question is raised, in a situation where automakers are focused on the income from selling cars in the stock market at more realistic prices in order to get out of losses, will it be the right thing to take this income from the automakers by the government?

"In the best situation, the difference between the factory price and the market price should go into the pocket of car manufacturers so that they can take development measures, but it seems that this process has been approved by the government, which will get a part of the income from the sale by selling the car on the commodity exchange. car manufacturers and the rest will enter the treasury, but the real consumer will have to buy this car at a higher price in the end.” Saeed Madani, Former manager of Saipa Group told khodrocar reporter. 

"Some of the buyers who did not buy the car with the purpose of using it are looking for more profit by buying and selling in the open market, so it seems that in this situation, the government is also looking for a part of the income from the sale in the stock market. , this stream can only be used for price discovery.” He said. 

"For several years, based on car pricing policies, car manufacturers have faced accumulated losses, which is the subsidy they give to consumers, while the difference should be paid by the government to car manufacturers, because based on Article 90 of the executive policies of Article 44, the government is obliged to pay the difference in the price of the goods that it has ordered.” He continued. 

"According to this law, if the government sets the price of a product, it must pay the difference of the selling price minus the cost price plus the profit to the producer, but in practice this did not happen and this subsidy was given to the consumer.” He said referring to the law of consumer’s support. 

"Now, according to these conditions, instead of giving this difference to the car manufacturer to make up for part of the past and to activate part of the system and increase the value of their shares due to profitability, he divided this amount between himself, the dealer and the car manufacturer like a sacrifice. They do that the result is nothing but to make a hat for themselves from this felt and they have no long term plan.” He mentioned. 

"If this amount goes to the car manufacturer, the production will be revived and people will be encouraged to buy the car manufacturer's shares, the government will add value and collect more taxes, so the government should seek to attract resources in this way, rather than looking for a part of the car manufacturer's net sales.” He said. 

He stressed that although it is not the right method, the government is looking to implement it to get an income from this place.