News ID: 119
Publish Date : 31 July 2017 - 09:48
"Khodrocar" reports;

The most difficult challenge for Iranian automakers

The two major Iranian automakers are faced with the challenge of losing business. But what should be done to overcome this challenge?
According to Khodrocar journalist, Last day, Khodrocar news agency reviewed the status of these companies and the solutions to this issue in the article titled "The impact of foreign carmakers on the car industry." In this report, Khodrocar investigates: why the Iran Khodro and Saipa subsidiaries are not being sold despite their willingness to surrender?

Each of these two semi-public companies has more than 10 subsidiaries more than half of them have no specific efficiency and effectiveness, they have only been created to buy shares or have lost their market, which has led to their uselessness. The existence of these companies is nothing but additional losses and costs for these car makers, but to find the right buyer, there is a need for a serious change in these companies.

Farid Zave, automotive industry expert, told Khodrocar: It’s obvious that these subsidiaries are making losses and no one wants to buy such a company.
He adds: These subsidiaries mostly have financial problems, too much workers and that’s the reason off their loss. Therefore, companies with such conditions are not attractive to any private sector.

The expert in the automotive industry, argues that these companies can not easily be privatized and states: "In order to sell these companies, a bachelor team must solve their financial, managerial, and manpower problems, and then they are ready for selling. Apart from the subsidiary companies that may reach four, the rest of the companies do not have the appeal.

Some of these subsidiaries are not only attractive to carriers, but also do not have a market. It seems that the fate of these companies is tied to an uncertain future.