News ID: 875
Publish Date : 04 November 2017 - 16:39

Historic License Plate at What Costs?

This is now a long time that authorities are playing with the fate of classic vehicles in Iran.
Khodrocar – The idea behind the Historic Cars Preservation Plan given to Traffic Police Department by Motorcycle and Automobile Federation of Iran (MAFIRI) were the talks over scrapping worn out vehicles.

The same plan is on prosses for years in developed countries like USA and Germany but some factors caused it to be delayed to perform in Iran. The most important is to localize the regulations. The plan was first accepted in 1389 but was revised once more in 1395 and now after a hell of trouble now is being revised to be approved.
Classic car owners are worried about the content of the plan that were formerly published illegally online. MAFIRI rejected the validity of the draft published on line but the content referred to some unpleasant limitations for the vehicles and their owners so it is concluded that the finally approved plan is not going to be far different.

Limited travel distance, limited jurisdiction of the owner to make unoriginal changes to the vehicle, selling and buying under surveillance of the approved committee and limitations alike, were of the most important number of regulations mentioned. It is expected that the finally approved plan is going to be the same but different in some details.

Many cars that did not make it to get the national license plates now can get historic plates and ride around again. But at the same time, it must be deeply considered, what if one owner does not want to get these limiter historic license plates? How would this effect the classic car market? What if someone reject these types of plates? What would happen to his/her car?

In the near future right after the finalized and approved plan got published, Khodrocar is going to study the consequences of historic license plates.

Mostafa Anisi, Editir in Chief at