News ID: 652
Publish Date : 16 October 2017 - 09:48

Vehicle Importing Limitations Waiting For New Laws

The Director General of the Export and Import Regulations Bureau has said that opening of the vehicle registration site is waiting for announcement of the cabinet.

Khodrocar – Three months ago, the registration website closed against the law by the sudden decision of previous officials at the ministry of industry, mine and trade. Now, the opening time of this website is depend on the establishment of new laws and that is questionable.

The trade promotion organization closed the vehicle registration website silently. At first, seasonal statistics called as the reason and then the reason changed to be the approve of a new instruction. After all, the chairman of TPO said the main reason for closing the vehicle registration website was the big number of imported cars in the first quarter of the year.

Now, Ali Aliabadi, The Director General of the Export and Import Regulations Bureau has said that the opening of the vehicle registration site is depend on the new automobile importing instruction. However, the closing of the vehicle registration website was against the law at first. Right now, the Iranian Automobile Importers Association is following this issue through the jurisdiction.

"Pursuing this issue from the ministry of industry, mine and trade and Trade Promotion Organization was resultless. We sent tens of letters, but they didn’t answer them clearly.” Farhad Ehtesham Zadeh, Chairman of Automobile Importers Association said to Khodrocar reporter. "Unfortunately, we have to follow up this issue through jurisdiction.”

As it seems, the opening time for the vehicle registration website is not clear. Limitations of importing vehicle will vanish after the approval of the cabinet and we have to wait till then.

Khodrocar translator: Amin Zamani