News ID: 626
Publish Date : 13 October 2017 - 09:15

Iran Produces 125 CC Motorcycles

In the past recent years some more expensive and new motorcycles have entered the market but the need for cheap 125CC motorcycles is still felt. Therefore 125 CC motorcycles are going to be produced in Iran.
Khodrocar – opposite to the rest of the world, motorcycle in Iran is considered as a source of income, not just a necessary of fun time vehicle.

A lot of people earn money from goods delivery by motorcycles so the market needs cheap and durable 125 to 150 CC motorcycles along with the ones with more massive engine capacities. 

Some new 200 to 300 CC motorcycles have been imported to Iran priced between 200 to 500 million IRRs gaining considerable market. Yet those who buy such bikes, do not earn income by delivering goods with motorcycles. That’s why the motorcycle industry of the country needs to cover the need of those people who do business with their motorcycles along with those how ride them just as a hobby or fun.

"There will be a factory opened in near future in the country that produces motorcycle engines along with designing a 125 CC motorcycle as a task at hand.” Said Mohammad Mansouri, motorcycle seller union manager in an interview with Khodrocar journalist.

"Based on different needs there are other countries out there still producing 125CC motorcycles and Iran is neither an exception. There are contracts being signed with famous worldwide companies so it seems in the near future there are going to be Hi-Quality Japanese motorcycles in Iran market once again, all produced domestically under license.” Added Mansouri.
"If there is a proper electric motorcycle with good after sales services sold in the country, there will be an untapped market waiting for It.” said Mansouri in response to the future of the electric motorcycles.

Considering the need of the majority of the Iran’s society for a cheap and durable motorcycle, importers and domestic producers must aim producing a properly priced motorcycle, still beautiful.

Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi