News ID: 638
Publish Date : 14 October 2017 - 14:01

DS Iran Executive Manager: Buyers do not Pay Enough Attention to Hi-Tech Options

Last Thursday the second series of DS Iran potential buyers test drive was held in Eram amusement park’s huge parking lot, with the presents of all available DS models in Iran.
Khodrocar – With the presents of all DS models presented in Iran, the DS Iran Executive Manager, Chris Ward was also present himself to test drive the cars with the potential customers, especially the latest DS model presented to Iran car market the DS6 with its Hi-Tech Electronic Ride Control system.

"People usually do not pay much attentions to the useful electronic options and their effect on safety and driving conditions. Therefore, I attend test drives myself to explain the electronic options especially the Electronic Ride Control uniquely offered on DS6 in Iran to the customers so that they know how effective this option is.” Said Chris ward, while he was demonstrating the option’s feedbacks to Khodrocar journalist on the slippery dusty pavement.

"DS is a newborn French Premium automotive brand. Also, it has taken some automotive experience from its mother company, but hopefully it is now becoming so distinctive and individualized to be introduced as a completely distinctive and self-oriented brand. It is growing very fast though. In the next five years DS is going to introduce six other new models capable of importing to Iran as well. This shows the brand is now getting somewhere and in the near future it will be expanded globally way more than it is now.” Said Chris ward in question to the global reputation and expansion of DS brand.

He also specifically addressed DS in Iran car market then added: "DS is expanding globally so as is in Iran. We have almost made our target with the volume sales of the DS3 and that proves that DS is also becoming celebrated in Iran market as well as the global. Therefore, we are to open up one other DS Store in a month in the west of Tehran close to Saadat Abad region other than the one back in Andarzgou Boulevard.”

"To answer the great welcome of Iranian to the DS3 model, we are adding another special trim uniquely for DS3 in the next year, which is going to be very sporty in looks. Black rims, removed and decreased chrome details with black interior Napa leather with sporty styled red stiches that the youth are going to love.” Added Chris Ward just as a small part of the DS Iran plans for the near future.

Khodrocar Journalist: Mostafa Anisi