Khodrocar - Meanwhile, the automobile industry is waiting for the action of the 14th government in the field of removing the pricing order, which these days and due to the imposition of billions of losses on the automobile manufacturers by the government, not only consumers are not satisfied with the manufactured cars, but the government punishes the manufacturer. It has prevented the formation of quality competition in the automobile industry.
Even though Masoud Pezeshkian repeatedly criticized mandated pricing in his election programs and emphasized that he is not going to treat the economy in a mandated manner, it seems that removing this model from the economy is not possible so easily, even though the Minister of Economy, Abdul Nasser Hemmati He also does not agree with this pricing model and manage the economy in this way.
Although the government and the Competition Council initially entered the field of car pricing with the aim of managing inflation and controlling prices, they caused a new loss to consumers with the escalation of inflation and the practice of keeping car prices low regardless of the increase in costs and on the other hand, they led to multi-billion dollar losses for producers and tens of billions of rents for intermediaries.
Car manufacturers have repeatedly cited the application of this model of pricing in the car industry as the reason for the poor quality and lack of product development, and demanded the removal of the government from the game, which has not been achieved to date. Undoubtedly, with the removal of mandatory pricing, the government will only become an observer of the car market, and supply and demand will determine the prices in the market.
As it is now, this policy is being implemented in all developed countries and has resulted in positive results and has led to the growth and development of the economy of those countries. In this situation, the quality and variety of production will become the priority of car manufacturers.
Farshid Shekarkhodaei, vice president of Iran Quality Management Association, in an interview with Khodrokar reporter, calls pricing a quality killer and says: When a specific price is set for a product, creativity and innovation will disappear.
By stating that this pricing model can only be implemented in uniform products such as corn, rice and wheat, he states that what is called prescriptive pricing, especially in fast consuming products, will lead to the elimination of innovation. Because the manufacturer is only looking for a supply with a certain price.
Shekarkhodaei continued: In this pricing model, the government seeks to protect the rights of the consumer by putting pressure on the price, while the consumer is the victim and the producer is punished, and the quality competition is not formed, which is an example in the last few years in The automotive industry has been seen.
He adds: In the last few years, mandatory car pricing has led to the imposition of billions of losses on the manufacturer, and on the other hand, the consumer is not satisfied with the quality of the cars, while even this pricing model has led to the dissatisfaction of the employees of these companies And an ecosystem has been formed that leads to everyone's dissatisfaction.
Emphasizing that currently 85 million consumers in the country do not have a representative to defend their rights, and the Ministry of Safety has also become the representative of the manufacturers, he states: it is necessary to remove mandatory pricing from the automobile industry while providing To improve the conditions of quality and innovation, to protect the rights of the consumer, in the meantime, the National Standard Organization can solve the quality challenges in this area by developing the technical regulations of the automobile industry.