News ID: 4690
Publish Date : 10 December 2023 - 10:39

Where did the fate of the strategic alliance of car manufacturers come to?

Meanwhile, more than a year has passed since the formation of the strategic alliance between Iran Khodro and Saipa, and during this time, not only has there been no action in this regard, but it seems that with the change of management in the automobile industry, this alliance has been forgotten.
khodrocar - It was the fall of last year that the two major car manufacturers of the country signed joint contracts in the form of a strategic alliance to solve one of the missing links in the automobile industry by forming this strategic alliance.

CEOs of Iran Khodro and Saipa announced the formation of this alliance between the two automakers as a big step in line with the macroeconomic policies of the country and the beginning of transformation in the field of quality, cost reduction and product diversity in the automobile industry.

Mehdi Khatibi, the CEO of Iran Khodro at the time, also considered the strategic alliance of Iran Khodro and Saipa as the long-standing goal and dream of the country's automobile industry, and he described and emphasized that we should increase the strength and quality of this alliance with proper planning every day and with Agility of many structures of the automobile industry, let's move along with the world's major automobile manufacturers.

In that period of time, it was announced that in the conditions of the development of the competitive environment in the world's automobile industry, the two major automobile manufacturers will not be able to guarantee their survival in the domestic and regional markets without a strategic alliance and the establishment of common cooperation areas. Therefore, in this big step, the subsidiary companies of the two automakers, by approaching each other, can initiate coordinated and engineered cooperation in the field of product development, and the positive effects of this decision will be visible in the future.

The main goals of the development of Saipa and Iran Khodro cooperation are the economic production of products and parts by covering the excess capacity of companies, the development of technology acquisition cores in the manufacturing chain, the supply of parts, equipment and services in the automotive industry, the management and optimal use of resources with the aim of reducing total costs. It was mentioned that the promotion of operational technologies of production and sharing of experiences and engineering capacities and increasing the depth of internal manufacturing of products and parts with the aim of increasing the quality and reducing the exchange rate, so that with the interactive approach of the CEOs of the two major car manufacturers and drawing a roadmap for joint cooperation, factors such as the use of From the capacities of the two car manufacturers, the reduction of the total price based on the improvement of the quality of products and parts, completion of the supply and production chain and synchronization with advanced technologies should be achieved.

However, after more than a year since the formation of this alliance, none of the predicted clauses have been fulfilled and it seems that with the change of CEO of Iran Khodro, this alliance and the signed memorandums have not entered the implementation phase.

Part of this alliance comes back to increasing the quality and reducing the cost. This is something that has been mentioned many times by CEOs in the last few years and plans have been made to realize it, but it has not reached a positive point in practice. The improvement of the production quality of automobile manufacturers' products may have seen growth based on the statistics and figures presented, but the price reduction of the products has not only not been realized, but since the beginning of this year, multiple price increases have also been issued to show that price reduction in the automobile industry is not easily possible. .

Economic production as one of the predicted goals was not only not achieved, but these days due to reasons such as the reduction of production by component manufacturers, products are stored in warehouses, and with this process, using the excess capacity of companies as one of the goals of the alliance Strategic will not mean much.

There is a lot of talk about the supply of parts as one of the anticipated goals. In a situation where the engine as one of the main factors of product development is facing a serious challenge, each of the car manufacturers is looking for the design and production of the production line of this main core, while with a consensus, it is possible to prevent serious investment and waste of financial resources. It was huge in a field of work.

With these conditions and after more than a year since the formation of this alliance, it seems that this issue has suffered the fate of other important automotive decisions and will remain only an empty shell.