News ID: 4628
Publish Date : 07 August 2023 - 12:02

Removing mandatory pricing in the shadow of little problems/ when the biggest problem of automakers didn’t solve

While the managers of 6 industrial groups had a meeting with the president and asked him to order to remove the current obstacles. Still, there would be a question of why they didn’t ask the president to remove the order pricing which is the biggest problem and obstacle against the carmakers and their main reason for the recent losses.
Khodrocar - In the meeting of the president of our country, Seyed Ebrahim Raisi, with the managers of 6 large industrial groups, production obstacles were examined in the presence of the economic ministers of the government. On the sidelines of the meeting, Abbas Aliabadi, the minister of Industry, stated that the competition council is not under the supervision of this ministry, and although we have a member in this council, it is not under our supervision. He emphasized that everything should go towards the market and we are also moving towards the market economy.

In the market economy, when diversity and balance between supply and demand is established, all matters are regulated subconsciously.

Aliabadi stated that we are in a conflict and this has made us interfere in some matters, which we hope to resolve the conflicts in a way that there is no need to interfere.

The assembly season has ended and the two major state-owned car manufacturers announced their losses of thousands of billions and talked about new plans to get out of this situation. According to the statistics announced by the Research Center of the Islamic Council, the losses of the two car manufacturers have crossed the border of 130 thousand billion tomans, while it is heard that the two car manufacturers are losing 20 billion tomans a day, which according to them Mandatory pricing has been the first and main reason for this loss.

According to the statistics announced from the place of mandatory pricing in 1400, the rent of 80 thousand billion tomans was given to the buyers, while if the mandatory pricing was removed, this amount of income could have been given to the car manufacturer and spent on development measures.

Undoubtedly, the main problem with the pricing guidelines of the Competition Council is the analysis of car prices based on the prices of 2011, because from this year onwards, the Council did not conduct an analysis and the same calculation was considered as the base price, and the car price is only adjusted annually with the index. Producer inflation was increased, while this calculation was not based on quality and productivity criteria, while the cost structure of car manufacturers changed after 9 years.

This is the situation where in the last few years, mandatory pricing has been cited as one of the main reasons for the loss of car manufacturers, but the competition council, calling the car market monopolistic, is still the main player in the pricing field in the car industry, and by entering into the pricing of assemblies, has left it beyond his authority, but still no serious decision has been taken to remove this pricing model from Iran's economy, while everyone is aware of its disadvantages and considers it toxic for a healthy economy.

Now in such a situation and in spite of imposing huge losses on car manufacturers due to mandatory pricing, the question arises as to why the managers of the car manufacturers in meeting with the president, regardless of the amount of loss and its reasons, demand the removal of other obstacles. which had become less important, while the presence of the economic ministers of the president and the head of the central bank and other economic men of the government was a great opportunity to express the problems caused by mandated pricing.