News ID: 4565
Publish Date : 20 March 2023 - 15:50

Examining the fulfillment of the promise of 50% increase in production in Iran Khodro

Examining the performance of Iran Automobiles in the past year, and considering the orders that the first president had given them this year, may not be without grace on the last day of the year 1401, orders that were accompanied by promises of fulfillment by the managers of this automobile industry.
Khodrocar - The year 1401 may be considered a turning point in terms of ending the production of incomplete cars and completing the remaining cars from the previous year, but the performance of the country's largest car manufacturer can be evaluated and reviewed from other aspects.

It was at the beginning of this year that the president of our country, during his visit to Iran Khodro, issued an 8-point order to car manufacturers, one of which was related to a 50% increase in production in the past year.

It was in those days that some senior managers of Iran Khodro, following the President's order, and of course to put to rest the turbulences that they faced due to some appointments and management decisions in the early months of their activities, made the 8-point orders more comprehensive and They even promised a 56% increase in production this year. A promise that seemed very dreamy and of course unfulfilled in the conditions of embargo and non-assembly of foreign partners' cars and of course the absence of production infrastructure for technical experts.

A month later, the deputy director of development and production of Iran Khodro Industrial Group announced a 56% increase in the production of complete cars from the beginning of this year to the 9th of June compared to the same period last year. A thought-provoking piece of news that, along with its authenticity, was in doubt until the end of the year.

But pay attention, Pourmejib had said that the increase in the production of "complete" cars was exactly where the heresy of the statistics started, where the word "increase in production" was added to the literature of automobile news to cover the promises made to the President and the Ministry of Industry. Because all the cars were supposed to be produced completely this year, friends in charge of the automobile industry compared the statistics of the production of complete cars this year with last year and published the statistics, without mentioning the incomplete productions of last year, many of which were only incomplete cars. They were stuck in the parking lot with a deficit of one or two pieces and their production was practically completed.

However, it was on June 30, 2022 that Ecopress published another news from the CEO of Iran Khodro, during which Khatibi announced a 62% increase in the production of complete cars and a 48% increase in document issuance from the beginning of this year to June 30 compared to the same period last year.

The work did not end here and in a remarkable move, Khatibi, the then CEO of Iran Khodro, held a celebration of the production of a complete car at Sapco Hall; With all the news and encouragement and respect that Iran Khodro is producing a complete car, it is as if a rare event has happened in the world's automakers, and as if this car manufacturer has not had the duty to produce a complete car, and now it is as if it has done a favor to its upstream customers and trustees.

Of course, it goes without saying that during Khatibi's tenure, good things happened in increasing the production and completion of incomplete cars in the past, which led to the delivery of more cars to customers this year, but no one ever asked at what price the completion of those incomplete cars was done, and fractional parts of Where and at what price was it provided that the previous CEO had not thought of to complete the incomplete cars.

The interesting thing is that in some of the production statistics presented this year, the incomplete cars of last year were also counted in the production statistics because they were completed last year, and thus they were closer to the president's order to achieve a 50% increase in production. . Unaware that all production and sales statistics must be registered in the Kodal system, and at the end of the year and as spring approaches, the clouds will move away and new statistics will sprout from the stock exchange organization tree.

Now, in the latest statistics published by Iran Khodro during the time of the new CEO of this company, very fair and of course intelligent statistics can be seen that show the performance of the previous CEO of Iran Khodro in the past year, when one statistic is published every week from this industrial group. became.

In this annual report published by Ecopress, it is stated: The production statistics and information of Iran Khodro Industrial Group in the working year of 1401, shows the production of more than 568 thousand cars in two sectors, heavy and semi-heavy passenger and commercial, which with the addition of deficit vehicles Completed and commercialized, this number exceeds 630 thousand devices.

These are the correct statistics, something that can be seen with a simple search on the Iran Khodro website and previous news that these statistics have never been published separately.

In the continuation of this report, it is stated that this industrial group managed to record a 21% increase in car production in 1401, which means that not only the President's order to increase production by 50% in Iran Khodro has not been fulfilled, but also many statistics presented in the previous months. should also be taken under the magnifying glass of the statistics published in Kodal.