News ID: 4529
Publish Date : 31 January 2023 - 10:39

Who will benefit from stopping the supply of cars in the stock market?

While it seemed that with the support of the government and especially the Ministry of Economy, the story of the car offering in the stock market has reached a happy end, the Competition Council emphasizes its profiteering by stopping the current process, although the Ministry of Economy and Finance also aims to preserve interests.
Khodrocar -Consumers are looking for the continuation of the supply of cars in the stock market. While according to the planning done by the public relations of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, it was announced that a joint meeting would be held with the presence of the Minister of Economy, members of the Competition Council and the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange last evening with the aim of determining the status of the car supply in the stock market. After announcing this news, the meeting was not held due to the lack of quorum.

Majid Eshghi, the head of the stock exchange organization, announced yesterday evening that while the meeting of the Competition Council and the Minister of Economy regarding the supply of cars in the stock market was not held due to the lack of attendance and the quorum was not reached, the general terms of the supply of cars were approved by the Competition Council, but there are many details that It has not yet been prepared by the council and it will probably take a lot of time that we are following up to make the necessary arrangements for this work in order not to harm this industry.

 "Now, on the one hand, we want the car manufacturers to sell the car at half the price, and at the same time, we expect a quality car from them. Also, on the other hand, the managers of car manufacturers are appointed by the government and despite the mandatory measures in this industry, they are held accountable.” He added. 

"When we want to take a constructive action, a supervisory apparatus with reasoning creates a disturbance in it and, without having a legal and legal basis, prevents the action that hopes are tied to.” He continued. 

These statements are made while Seyyed Ehsan Khandozi, the Minister of Economy and Finance, emphasized a few days ago about the situation of car sales in the stock market, the resolution of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange is the same as the previous resolution, but regarding the legal inclusion under the laws of competition and monopoly, the competition council will decide.

He had announced and emphasized the recommendation of the Competition Council to stop the supply of cars on the stock exchange, the personal opinion of the head of this council, the decision of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange to sell cars on the stock exchange will continue unless the Competition Council makes another decision about competition and monopoly laws.

The sale of cars in the stock market was influenced by the approval of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange and with the positive opinion of the Ministry of Security, and according to Khandozi, this is a method and the government takes into account the benefit of the people and measures in the issue of supply and production, as well as removing speculation and brokers from the car market. It has been done that one of the effective tools to eliminate brokers is the commodity exchange, which leads to more access, transparency, and the benefit of the real consumer and the real producer, so we will support this method.

These days, it is emphasized to stop the supply of cars in the stock market, as this method of selling has been able to remove a lot of speculators from the market in the last six months, and even though 36 thousand car models have been traded in the stock market so far, it has been able to eliminate more than 11 thousand billion tomans of rent and at the same time realize the growth of car manufacturers' shares while making the price of the car real, but with these interpretations it is not clear why stones are being thrown at the continuation of the supply in the stock market.

Looking at the composition of the Competition Council, it is easy to recognize that the government directly and indirectly has the authority of this council, and on the other hand, the members of the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange are also selected and determined in a way that again the government plays the main role in it. And in this situation, the question is raised that when the government is responsible for the main and determining role of both the Competition Council and the High Stock Exchange, why should we witness a dispute on the issue of destructive pricing mandated for the automobile industry?