News ID: 4491
Publish Date : 29 December 2022 - 12:05

16 obstacles to the identification of auto parts were identified

Meanwhile, the spare parts union announces the readiness to implement the ID registration law for the supplied parts. It believes that the implementation of this law faces many buts and ifs. If these obstacles are removed, it will not be possible to sell contraband goods from now on.
Khodrocar - the chamber of trades has recently announced in an announcement that the sale of parts in real or virtual form is subject to having an ID and emphasized that in order to fight against the supply of counterfeit goods and smuggling, all trade units active in the field of spare parts, including production And distributors are required to insert the tracking code and product ID in official invoices, and even this should be considered in virtual purchases.

These assertions are made while the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry has recently announced the extension of the deadline for organizing 54 items of spare parts without identification until the end of the year and stated that all spare parts distributors were supposed to determine their inventory by December 15. The issue of 10 million tracking IDs shows the acceptance of this trade.

Omid Qalibaf expressed his hope that with the cooperation of the manufacturer, from the beginning of next year, all spare parts included in the plan will have a tracking code at the supply level.

The project of registration of ID, which aims to identify smuggled goods and prevent their supply in the market, is being pursued by the Ministry of Industry , and although this plan was not well received at first due to issues such as lack of proper information, but after repeated emphasis The ministry of privacy and setting the deadline and extending it obliged the spare parts market activists to implement this plan so that currently 10 million IDs have been issued and only 54 items have no IDs.

Activists of the spare parts market call the existing obstacles as a factor for the lack of proper implementation of this law and emphasize that if these obstacles are removed, the sale of smuggled and counterfeit goods in the market will be stopped.

Seyed Ahmad Hosseini, the head of the Automobile and Machinery Spare Parts Union, in an interview with the Khodrocar reporter, referring to the union's interaction with the Ministry of Industry regarding the assignment of identifiers to auto parts and spare parts, says: the expected time for assigning identifiers to the parts It was postponed due to existing obstacles, which we hope to resolve by identifying these cases and interacting well with the Ministry of Privacy.

He adds: There are obstacles such as information, related system and supplied goods, and investigations for these obstacles are still ongoing.

Emphasizing that the union does not have any problem with the implementation of the law on receiving parts IDs, Hosseini states: the union knows the obstacles in the way of implementation, on this basis, 16 obstacles to the implementation of this law have been identified.

The head of the Union of Automobile Spare Parts and Machinery continues to state: Currently, imported goods receive identification at the points of entry, as well as parts that are imported personally but legally are also subject to receiving identification, and only parts that are imported illegally and they enter the country under the name of smuggling, they will not be able to get an ID, and with these interpretations, it will not be possible to sell smuggled parts in the market from now on.