News ID: 4469
Publish Date : 29 November 2022 - 13:54

Realizing the elimination of mandatory pricing by selling cars on the stock market

Selling cars in the stock market, which was previously known as an inefficient solution, these days by selling cars at real prices, has been able to eliminate dealers from the car market and has been effective in providing liquidity to car manufacturers and hope to get out of losses.
Khodrocar - After the approval of the car organizing plan, the preparations for selling cars in the commodity exchange began as one of the main clauses of this plan, while capital market experts called this measure impractical and emphasized that the experience of selling cars in the stock market cannot be a suitable solution. to find out the real price of the car and there is no similar experience in other countries.

Finally, after a lot of tension, in the last days of May, the sale of cars on the stock exchange started. More than three months have passed since the launch of the first car in the commodity exchange, Iran Khodro released 300 units of Haima S7 black and 200 units of Haima S7 in the first week of September in the first period of the company's products launch in the Iran Commodity Exchange.

Recently, 1000 Peugeot 207 units were sold in the stock exchange, which according to the officials of the stock exchange organization, this sale is the ground and the beginning of the entry of other public and high-circulation cars in the stock market, and car applicants can buy from the stock market instead of trying their luck in the lottery system.

A few months have passed since the release of various types of cars in the commodity exchange shows that this method has been able to benefit the car manufacturers and bring benefits to the real consumers.

Now, according to the officials of the stock exchange and the Ministry of Security, from now on all domestic cars will be sent to the commodity exchange, although it is not a conventional way to sell cars and the price should be defined based on supply and demand, but due to the continuation of mandatory pricing, this method by The ministry was silent, and although the government promised to remove mandatory pricing many times and the minister of economy emphasized it, it was not implemented in practice, and now with the implementation of this sales method, statistics show that the process of selling and supplying cars in the commodity exchange is It is an increase so that since the first car was released in the stock market, a total of 5 thousand 236 cars have gone on the trading board and finally 4 thousand 80 of these cars have been traded.

This action, which was aimed at bringing profit from the sale to car manufacturers, was able to reach the initial goal to some extent, because in addition to reducing the hands of dealers from car sales, car manufacturers were able to present the price of the products offered on the stock exchange as a non-lossy price as the base rate. If this trend continues, the automakers will not only be completely out of losses, but will even make a profit.

This is despite the fact that last year due to the mandatory pricing, more than 100 thousand billion tomans profit was given to the dealers, while this figure could have been a great help to the car manufacturers and compensate for their lack of liquidity.

Therefore, the car supply in the stock market was able to determine the border between real and fake customers and eliminate profit seekers from the car market
The sale of this number of cars in the stock market conveys the message that the government's decision to abandon the mandated pricing as the main player in the loss of profits of manufacturing companies is completely serious and planned.

Therefore, this matter is emphasized as a positive analysis and to get out of the existing conditions.

Therefore, offering cars in the stock market has resulted in the clarification of the method of selling car manufacturers' products, preventing the loss of car manufacturers and closing the broker space, which with these interpretations seems to be the best way to sell cars in the current situation.