News ID: 4455
Publish Date : 17 November 2022 - 09:11

Surprising rises in auto market/ Price increment is continuing

These days, the car market is facing a significant increase in prices at the same time as currency fluctuations, and after a period of falling prices, we are currently witnessing a new record of price increases in this high-margin market.
Khodrocar - The car market, which is one of the indicators of inflation in the economy, has been affected by the currency price, the restrictions caused by imports, as well as the wide-ranging policies of the Ministry of Silence, and has recorded increasing prices, showing that the lottery and Restrictive policies will not fix this market.

"Although the Ministry of Industry has tried to control this market since the beginning of the year with policies such as increasing supply, launching an integrated car allocation system, and liberalizing imports, but it seems that it has failed in this regard due to the current conditions and the increase in prices.” Mahmoud Mokhles, activists in the auto market told khodrocar reporter. 

"The price increase of the last month can be considered as the second biggest wave of car price increase this year. The first wave that started at the beginning of the year subsided almost at the end of May, and although the prices decreased to some extent, they did not rise to the level of the time, and now, about 5 months later, in early November, a new wave of car price increases began in the market. Although it had a gentle slope at the beginning, it has continued with a steeper slope since the second week of November and has recorded strange prices so that the prices have reached higher than the wave at the beginning of this year.” He added. 

Referring to the price of the Peugeot 206 Type 2, which reached the price of 318 million Tomans at the beginning of the year, this car market activist states: the price of this car had decreased to 296 million Tomans in a period, but in the new round of increases, the price of the Peugeot 206 It reached 320 million tomans.

The price of Peugeot 207 automatic panorama, which was increasing until the beginning of August and reached 628 million tomans, and then decreased to 590 million tomans, with the start of the wave of price increases, the price was 640 million tomans.

The price of Peugeot Pars, which increased to 388 million tomans in May and then decreased to 340 million tomans, is now traded in the market at a price of 420 million tomans.

He adds: Saipa products, which were withdrawn from the lottery due to the increase in production and decrease in demand, and have not changed much in the market, have also recorded an increase in price in line with Iran Khodro products, so that the regular quick gear has increased in price in the market. Azad has reached 220 million Tomans.

Mokhlas says: The price of Saina Safar has also increased by 25 million tomans, and Rana Plus glass roof has also experienced an increase of 47 million tomans.

 the car market showed that it is not organized only by factors such as increasing supply or sales systems, but due to wrong policies such as mandatory pricing, import restrictions and car monopoly, it has turned into a capital good and the consumer's inflationary expectations. Sewers.

For sure, as long as the mandatory pricing continues in the automobile industry and the market does not move towards becoming competitive, even with the increase in production and supply, we will still see the current problems because the gap between the market price and the factory price is so large that no matter how many cars are supplied There is still a demand for it. Currently, the current demand is a false and speculative demand with the aim of gaining profit, and in the meantime, the accumulated losses of car manufacturers will lead to a decrease in quality and production.

Experts believe that mandated pricing in the inflationary conditions of Iran's economy, on the one hand, by intensifying demand and on the other hand, by reducing supply, has led to the stagnation of the car market, so the policy of the Ministry of Security in the field of imports in addition to domestic cars is not only still undecided, but with the rumor of liberalization. Imports have not changed in the market either.