News ID: 4429
Publish Date : 30 October 2022 - 10:22

What cars will accumulate demand of market/ it is not the job of the car maker to import

After months of waiting for the names of 7 importing companies to be officially announced, speculations continue for imported cars, and industry experts believe that due to the accumulation of demand, the restriction on the price of imported cars was not very expert.
Khodrocar - The lack of success of domestic car manufacturers in importing CBU cars in the past years, on the one hand, and setting price limits on imported cars, on the other hand, are the uncertainties in the field of car imports, which these days and with the official announcement of the importing companies have taken on a more serious tone. 

According to the experts of the automobile industry, in the current situation where we are witnessing the accumulation of demand due to the ban on imports for several years, the needs have become different, and in this situation, the question arises as to what kind of cars should be imported in the new period in order to meet the market's needs and lead to Create an economic balance.
"Undoubtedly, the determination of imported cars depends a lot on policies, and the restrictions imposed on imports in the last few years have led to the accumulation of demand and a significant and dramatic increase in the price of imported cars.” Saeed Madani, former president of Saipa told khodrocar reporter. 

Referring to the statements of the authorities that it is necessary to prevent the import of these cars because they are luxurious and create a class gap among the people, he states: these statements and the import ban have caused foreign cars, which even with the current price of the dollar, should be in the range of 1.5 billion tomans, reach around 3 to 4 billion dollars. In this situation, those who are looking to change their car from an ordinary car to an almost luxury car, due to the lack of imports and price changes, are not able to buy the desired car, or they have to buy an old model at a higher price.
"Since there is no purchasing power, buyers turn to buying domestic cars with new platforms, while the ban on the entry of cars worth more than $25,000 has affected the prices of domestic cars to some extent and has increased them.” He said. 
"The import regulation should be complete enough to cover all sections of the society, and according to this regulation, cars are imported up to 20 thousand dollars, and cars in this price range can lead to competition with domestic cars, which will ultimately improve the industry. Meanwhile, cars worth more than 20,000 dollars include cars that are needed by large government companies and contractors, and include SUVs and off-road vehicles, but the import frameworks have not been determined and it is not clear whether a note is needed for the import of these cars. And it will be new material or not. Meanwhile, wherever there are many additional laws and provisions, we will undoubtedly witness corruption there.” He continued. 

He adds: "Definitely, the liberalization of imports was not a bad move, but it could have been implemented more fully and the experience of previous years could have been used, while one of the limitations of the new regulations is the price limit of imported cars, which had to be removed." So that there is no ban in a country like Iran that needs strong cars to implement projects.”

This automobile industry expert states that decisions are always made in Iran that are against logic, and states: In the period when 3500 cc cars were not produced in the country, an order was issued to ban the import of cars above 2500 cc if Action should be taken against the import of cars that are not produced in the country, which has been ignored and again, the opinions of elites and experts of this industry have not been used in the new regulations.
"The duty of car manufacturers is production, but since the process of production and cooperation with foreign companies has a special approach, and a small part of it is the import of a limited number of cars at the beginning of the work, and the car manufacturers are considering the reception of imported cars for the production of these cars. They decide in the country, so it seems that they do not have much insistence to import cars because this will require high liquidity.” Madani added. 

The weight of imports should be more towards car importers than car manufacturers, although some Muranos were imported by Pars Khodro in the past years, but car manufacturers have a process to determine the product and assembly of foreign cars, and at the beginning of their work, they import a number of cars in the form of CBU. And after conducting the necessary tests, its production continues, examples of which are Changan, Brilliance, Ario, etc. Currently, car manufacturers are forced to import a number of cars based on cooperation with foreign companies and then to the domestic ones. But what is certain is that the import should be done by another sector so that it leads to the creation of a competitive environment and the domestic car manufacturers can also improve their quality.