News ID: 4184
Publish Date : 25 October 2020 - 09:01

3 solutions to import cars without transferring money

Relying on the foreign exchange resources of Iranians living abroad, as well as exports in exchange for imports and finally imports on credit, are three solutions that activists in this field believe that with the implementation of these methods, there is no need to allocate foreign exchange to car imports.
Khodrocar - In a situation where the Central Bank, under the pretext of lack of foreign exchange resources, has announced a ban on car imports, activists in this field are calling for liberalization of imports by offering solutions without allocating foreign exchange. According to them, if these methods are activated, we will see a halving of prices in the market.

"With the liberalization of imports, all car owners will become sellers. Undoubtedly, with the liberalization of imports, prices will be broken, but this is not the government's strategy, while with a proposal, this price bubble can be eliminated.” Mehdi Dadfar, secretary of vehicle importers union told khodrocar reporter.

"In a meeting with members of parliament, the proposed solutions were explained. In these plans, no currency is requested from the central bank, but by relying on the currency of Iranians abroad, cars can be imported and the account holder can refer to the embassy receive your account confirmation.” He added.

"The incentive for people to import a car is a profit of at least 20%, which he receives from this place, while the profit of his money in foreign banks will be 1.5 to 2%.” He said.

"Buying Santa Fe at the current price will be more than 20% interest for the holder of foreign exchange resources: it is said that this measure will disturb the foreign exchange market and increase the foreign exchange price due to demand for imports if this is not true.” He said.

"In the first eight months of this year, the purchase of property by Iranians has increased eightfold, which shows that everyone is converting the rial into dollars, and in these circumstances, only imports are prohibited in order to prevent tension in the foreign exchange market.” He mentioned.

"Due to the lack of currency allocation, the import of cars and parts has been banned, and this process has created many problems for the implementation of after-sales service, while another model has been introduced for car imports, according to which anyone wants to import cars with a business card Export non-oil and non-petrochemical goods and import the currency equivalent of that car.” He said.

"With the credit of the manufacturing companies or intermediaries, it is possible to import cars without transfer, but the officials do not consider these plans feasible due to their lack of familiarity with foreign trade issues. In this situation, the MPs are seeking to increase the price by presenting a plan to supply cars on the stock exchange, because the price will be determined based on supply and demand from now on.” He added.