News ID: 3548
Publish Date : 26 February 2019 - 09:27

Market is getting over Companies/ Hard Conditions for Supplying Spare Parts

Famous automakers are forgetting Iran’s market due to the sanctions however they produced cars with Iranian companies and responsible to supply after sale services for their cars.
Khodrocar – International automakers like Renault, Peugeot, DS and Benz had contracts with Iranian automakers to produce different cars but after sanctions they just left Iran easily. This contract and cooperation was for buying the car directly from the main company at first then buy parts, spare parts and after sale services from them.

But after sanctions it seems that Iranian companies don’t have any relation with foreign main companies and like before they are seeking for parts in neighborhood countries. We should mention that even during the good days of the JCPOA some customers were buying parts from the market and they believe that even representatives are buying their needed parts from the market.

Now, considering the sanctions and the existence of a significant amount of performance vehicles in the country, it is questioned what is the terms of the services provided by the importing companies?

"Currently, due to the sanctions, problems in money transaction, order registration for parts and supplying parts in the market giving after sale services became harder. But companies are following this matter seriously.” Radin Peyman Far, expert of after sale services told khodrocar reporter.

"Companies have problem in giving after sale services but for preventing any future market failure they are supplying parts from Persian Gulf side countries and market. Companies are committed to providing after-sales services with the hope of the future in the field of cooperation with international companies and maintaining the name of their products along with adherence to the laws of the country.” He added.

"Generally, Iranian import companies are associated with the mother company, but this relationship is not as past, and the quality of post-sales services has fallen to the past, as the time for supply has increased. Companies need to go through the process of importing a piece, such as ordering, paying taxes, providing currency from the Nima system, and while some parts are smuggled on the market.” He said.

"Unfortunately, the conditions are such that investors are registering and upgrading a private company, but brokers use and profit from the name and sales of that company in the after-sales service sector.” He added.

With these conditions, it can be said that the importing companies, which once had a good situation with the sale and supply of products in the market, today, by imposing sanctions, only provide after-sales services and spare parts, which, given the conditions of import and supply of parts, benefit them. They do not just work to keep their brand names on the bright days. Of course, importing companies are required by law to provide after-sales services to their customers for a specified period of time.

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani