News ID: 3485
Publish Date : 27 December 2018 - 09:00

Gasoline Price in Next Year; Expensive or Stable?/ Energy Price Passing between Government and Parliament

Last year the government wanted to increase the gasoline price but the parliament was against it. This year the government is not considering price increment but it seems the parliament is agree with this increment.
Khodrocar – the budget bill has been given to the parliament while energy prices are not change and Nobakht said that we didn’t predict any price increment. But the main request of some experts is price increment to prevent smuggling.

On the other hand minister of oil said that the government is trying to decrease dependence on oil income so they increased taxes and energy prices have not changed. Yesterday, Mr. President said we are trying to not decrease energy subsides or decrease them a bit. It means that prices may change in the next year but not a lot.

But the budget should approve by the parliament and they may have a different opinion and even it’s possible to have price increment in the next year due to economy turbulent. Last year the government wanted to increase price and parliament was against it and this year it’s opposite.

"Price increment in last year was not logical and I was against it but now condition is different and we have to be trustworthy. Current price of gasoline is way far from the real price and this price difference has caused smuggling and had impact on economy of country.” Gholamreza Sharafi, member of energy commission of the parliament told khodrocar reporter.

"I am against any kind of price increment but we have to wait for the final decision of other members too. Price increment of energies has negative effects on the economy and society and people can tolerate price increment. We are trying keep price stable but while all things prices increased then energy will increase too and we try to keep it low.” Abdolhamid Khedri, secretary of energy commission of the parliament told Khodrocar reporter.

"Any increase in the price of the budget was unlawful and the Parliament would not accept the expensive energy carriers out of budget and would enter the observer, and last year, on the pretext of reforming the pattern of consumption and with the use of the step-by-step changes in prices, which this year Parliament allowed this The type will not increase the price.” He added.

Khodrocar Reporter: Hadi Sianaki

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani