News ID: 3476
Publish Date : 18 December 2018 - 09:20

Best Chance to Expand Exportation Market/ Where does Exportation Market Heading to?

Experts think that currency rate turbulences has opened the window of exportation because cars under 450 million IRRs don’t have competitor in the foreign markets.
Khodrocar – In the vision of vehicle industry for 2025 predicted that 2 million units will produce for inner uses and 1 million units will be produce for exportation. We can’t see the future of producing 2 million cars but in export market we can do more efficient. Some of local cars are produced with 2 or 3 thousand dollar and they are good for exportation. We don’t have any cars in the world with this price anymore and automakers should use this chance.  
"In the current condition bases for exportation is ready and even exporting Pride with the price or 400 million IRRs could be competitive and make money for automakers. When dollar rise from 10000 IRRs to 30000 IRRs our export to the Iraq and Syria got better.” Saeed Madani, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter. 
"Now the world is developing quickly and new cars are coming and cars like Pride could be sold at third world countries. Now China has entered Iraq and capturing our market in there but we can have market in countries like African countries. If we consider pride as a 400 million IRRs car then in foreign market its price could be around 300 million IRRs and 3 thousand dollar. This money is nothing in the world anymore.” He said. 
 "But the matter is people in third world countries can’t pay for cars and they should pay with credit that means Export Development Bank should help buyers or producers to trade cars in credit and if that happen then we can have a very good market in the exportation. Cars like Saina, Tiba, Tiba 2 and Quick are the same as Pride and can be sold in the foreign markets.” He added. "Car without quality is not good at all, Chinese cars have solved their problems in quality and passed this section. Now it’s time to think about new models with better quality and start after sales services in these countries with joint venture investments because these cars will have their own problems.” 
"However quality of Chinese cars is low but the important thing is the after sale service. If we solve this problem then we can win this competition. One of our good points in exporting to Syria and Iraq was good after sale services.”Madani said at last.

Khodrocar Reporter: sepideh Ghazinejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani