News ID: 3433
Publish Date : 09 November 2018 - 08:53

Iran’s Position in Vehicle Industry Revolution

There is no doubt about the daily development of economy systems and on the other side they need new developing markets, new improving technologies as boosts. The auto industry and public transportation is not an exception and they need to improve alongside other technologies.
Khodrocar – According to what has published as "auto industry revolution, vision of 2030” and by a look at Iran’s auto industry visionary plan, a question has happened that Iran which have the potential and human resource for development how could get near to this global revolution plan and have a share in it?

"In most countries, auto industry is a wheel of economy boost and they are reaching development by the help of auto industry. Auto industry is getting other industries like, steel, metal and tire manufacturing to work so they are developing alongside auto industry.” Abdollah Babaei, an expert of auto industry told Khodrocar reporter.

"Now if we want to get better in the auto industry and be more active globally, we should think outside the box and shouldn’t repeat what others have done already. We have to make more products with relations and joint ventures like what China did to develop its own auto industry. We can’t say China did very well but his action was perfect in this matter.” He said.

"In the current condition we can’t act like before but we saw what IKCO and SAIPA did in the short time after the JCPOA. So there is a hope that they can repeat this success again. Since the relation happen then all related industries are getting better and develop alongside.” He added.  

"Infrastructure and power of the industry is really good so it shouldn’t have any problem for improvement. The first sanction was for the auto industry but there is a hope to see reduction in pressures. Coming months would be hard on people but we hope to see better days in the future.” He told khodrocar.

After a look at the plans of auto industry revolution in 2030, digital world will change everything and auto industry is not an exception. The article has said that improvements would be in 4 different section as: new and different transportation, anonymous vehicles, electrical motorcycles and connected cars. We have to wait to see what will happen to our auto industry.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Transportation: Amin Zamani