News ID: 2935
Publish Date : 07 July 2018 - 09:38

Which Organization Monitors Unauthorized Leasing Companies?

People are considering buying cars as an investment and this heated the market these days. Some people are spending all of their money on pre-purchasing foreign cars from leasing companies but the question is how leasing companies could fulfill their promises by importation ban?
Khodrocar - The auto industry is struggling with different difficulties during the past year such as sudden SABTARESH shutdown, new tariffs on car’s import which affect the foreign cars market. In the beginning of the New Year currency fluctuations started and foreign and domestic cars got expensive every day. After that the parliament, the competition council, ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade tried to solve the problems of this industry but they didn’t do anything and even the plan of organizing the market has been forgotten.  

Other reasons such as Trump’s speech about exiting JCPOA and looking to the cars as an investment opportunity has increased the bubble price of the market. Everyone are trying to buy as many cars as they can with the hope of price increment.

In this situation, some people trusting domestic automakers and others are finding their cars on the market but there are some people who trusting leasing companies to pre-purchase foreign cars. These days trust in leasing companies has decreased but they are still some people who give their money to these kinds of companies.

Leasing companies do not have a commitment to customers

"Leasing companies don’t have any commitment to the customers these companies have a permission from the central bank. They don’t have commitment to the customers because they don’t register and the registration is done by the automakers and importers, so they have commitment to customers.” Hadi Mogheei, secretary general of leasing union told Khodrocar reporter.

Leasing companies aren’t vendor

"Leasing is the financial supporter not the seller of the car. Leasing companies have contract with automakers and importers so when a customer pay money to pre-purchase a car the vendor has commitment not the leasing company.” He added.  "Companies which register cars are not leasing, the society, tax system and central bank should know the difference between leasing companies and those trying to be a leasing company. If a company have leasing in its name then it has permission from the central bank.”

Which institution regulates unauthorized companies?

"The ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade is the supervisor of all process in vehicle transactions. It starts from importation, distribution, pricing and services. Also, consumer protection right organization is the other institution for this kind of works.” Mogheei told Khodrocar.

How to recognize authorized leasing companies?

"People should look for leasing name on the title of companies if they want to recognize authorized companies. They can also search for central bank in the section of authorized companies or search the national leasing association website. If they found the exact name of the companies in these websites then it is authorized. If they have any ambiguity then leasing association is available to answer their questions.” He added.

The current situation of market is not safe and customers should be more careful before buying cars or pre-purchase through leasing companies. They have to check the companies if it is authorized or not to prevent any problems. They even better to stop buying cars in the fluctuate market.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani