News ID: 2920
Publish Date : 03 July 2018 - 09:55

Deep Hole of Sudden Decisions in front of Auto Industry

It was the same period of last year when the president said the minister of communication won’t filter anything but he never mention that the minister of industry won’t shut down the vehicle order registration. The shutdown had inflamed the vehicle market.
Khodrocar – in the final days of last year the window of importation opened and the market relieved but after the New Year eve some whispers have been heard that tariffs will increase and some currency problems made difficulties for the industry.  

The difficulties were too much and even the parliament didn’t do anything to solve them. After that Trump made a speech and said that USA will exit the JCPOA and probable sanctions will come back at the end of next month.

Among all this problems there are some notable points which we have to think about them. First, Trump always talked about the JCPOA negatively since the first days he entered the white house. Officials and experienced managers of ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade should have thought about this happening long before because it was predictable.

The lack of looking ahead is obvious in the new instruction of vice president which is saying to return the exported currencies to the country in the next 2 months but they said this deadline would be 6 months in the previous instruction. It completely show their lack of future looking.

Another example is vehicle tariffs will increase against the law instead of decreasing and few months later the cars’ importation ban for unclear period. We can see the same decisions in setting index for luxury and worn out cars which all of them are signs of sudden and Non-expert decision.

One side of the market are customers for foreign cars which are stuck in the inflamed market and on the other side there are domestic automakers which tried to improve their quality but now they won’t even try for it.

Now the question is banning cars importation would help to return all exchanges and is it okay to see lots of people unemployed because of these decisions?

Khodrocar Reporter: Reza Hoseini

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani