News ID: 2787
Publish Date : 09 June 2018 - 09:50

How Automakers Circumvent The Sanctions

Exit of foreign automaker companies due to the sanctions of United States made a lot of Iranian artisans and companies to be worry about their future. How are they able to circumvent the sanctions?
Khodrocar – Once again, Iran’s automotive industry faced a shock by leaving French companies after the United States’ exit from Iran nuclear deal. For the French, this was in order not to lose the North America’s car market. PSA was first to announce that they suspend their activity in Iran.

Does this company have to pay compensation?
Vali Maleki member of Parliament’s commission of industries and mines: "This is not the first time that they will leave our market. We are not 100 percent depended to this company and we have relationships with China and Turkey.”

He continues: "French companies count on North Americas market and they prefer it to Iran, So their exit was totally predictable.

Automakers Should Think About New Alternatives
Maleki pointed out that we might be having trouble producing new cars like Peugeot 2008 and Peugeot 301 and said: "Our automakers should think about a solution. Like Bahman Motor Group that replaced Haval with Mazda.”

In this regard, Aboreza Mesri, member of Commission of Parliament’s Plan and Budget tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Although these companies are still uncertain about leaving Iran, but if they decide to leave, that would be a positive point because we will learn to stand om our feet.”

Making Auto Parts Is Not Harder than Nuclear Energy
Mesri says: "Building auto parts is not harder than Nuclear Energy, Bio Technology and Nano Technology and etc. Governmental management does not accept the risks, therefor, the job must be given to the private sector.”

Mohammadreza Najafimanesh, Chairman of part manufacturers association states: "In the first step, we must pay attention to the domestic production. We must produce our raw materials and parts domestically and then we should fine reliable sources in order to supply. The third step is to remove unnecessary and luxurious goods. And the final step is to start exporting our goods to neighbor countries and extend our relationship with them.”

Standard Organization Should Modify 85 Step Standards
Najafimanesh says: "The standards are not in a good situation and must be reviewed. In addition, medias must stop their exaggerated critics, so that the people can trust the domestic cars.”

Khodrocar -  According to experts and authorities, once again the automotive industry is going to rise and on the other hand, the government should give over it to the private sector and also stop pricing vehicles. Meanwhile, the National Standard Organization of Iran have to review and modify its standards.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazinejad
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh