The auto industry is facing difficulties in supplying spare parts for the cars while the sources of supplement are having different problems and that maybe the main reason for producing incomplete cars.
News ID: 3808    Publish Date : 2019/11/02

Motorcycle industry is feeling not even nothing better than the automobile industry but also coping with a major reduction in production in the first half of the year due to turbulences of exchange rate. Now the time is up for motorcycle manufacturers to reach expected standard levels and now 42 motorcycles are banned from production causing huge troubles for the industry.
News ID: 3284    Publish Date : 2018/09/15

Exit of foreign automaker companies due to the sanctions of United States made a lot of Iranian artisans and companies to be worry about their future. How are they able to circumvent the sanctions?
News ID: 2787    Publish Date : 2018/06/09

Every government in Iran have had special plans to achieve a good fuel quality but every year they talked about different excuses like lack of budget, fuel import and lack of infrastructures that didn’t let them to achieve their goal.
News ID: 2033    Publish Date : 2018/02/28