News ID: 2514
Publish Date : 02 May 2018 - 09:15

Iran’s Government Supports Green Vehicles?

This year, the government decided to reduce the tariffs on imported hybrid vehicles, but how much was this decision helpful?
Khodrocar – Global automotive industry is now moving toward hybrid and electric vehicles and some countries like England and France will band the production of internal combustion engines by 2040.

However, it seems that Iran is acting the opposite.

Last year, due to shutdown of SABTARESH, the tensions of imported vehicle market started and the tariff increments made it worse. Imported hybrid vehicles was not an exception.

The government increased the tariffs on hybrids from 5 to 45 percent. That was a big problem for developing hybrid vehicle markets. But this year, the government decided to reduce the tariff in order to support green vehicle.

How much this decision was effective?

Ali Shokouhi, an automotive industry expert tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: The tariffs has been reduced but there are other problems that makes this decision non-effective.

He continues: There are two main reasons. One of them is an article which has been added to the budget. According to this article, the charge of hybrid vehicle imports increased by 10 percent. On the other side, was the increment of exchange rate from 38 thousand IRRs to 42 thousand IRRs.

Shokouhi believes that these two factors make the tariff reductions non-effective.

In addition, he tells Khodrocar regarding the memorandum of understanding which has been inked few days ago in order to promote the knowledge and skills of the automotive industry activists: Cooperation between industry and university can be very helpful but unfortunately, in Iran these kind of things do not implement and remains just a theory.

He believes that the reason is the lack of government’s support.

Khodrocar – It seems that the government is not doing what it says and there is no enthusiasm to develop and extend green cars’ market in Iran.

We should wait and see if they want to continue this path or change the way they are treating the importers currently.

Khodrocar Reporter and Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh