The global epidemic is spreading again, and there may be a shortage of supply in Iran's automobile industry Because the spread of COVID-19 has led to a significant reduction in auto chip production and inadequate supply of auto parts.
News ID: 4367    Publish Date : 2021/07/31

This time in addition to the banking sanctions, automakers will taste it. Automotive industry was first to benefit from sanctions and attracted many foreign partners but now everything will change.
News ID: 3085    Publish Date : 2018/08/06

Iran’s automotive industry faced many challenges from the beginning until today, which led to its tendency into few special directions. Important factors contributed to this trend shift.
News ID: 3009    Publish Date : 2018/07/21

Major global automakers are moving toward developing and producing electric vehicles but Iran does not show any inclination for producing these vehicles.
News ID: 2616    Publish Date : 2018/05/16

During the last two years, JCPOA had positive effects on Iran’s automotive industry but some believe that this joint comprehensive plan didn’t have any effects on this industry.
News ID: 1725    Publish Date : 2018/01/26