News ID: 2529
Publish Date : 04 May 2018 - 08:54

Iran Vehicle Market Still in Coma

The vehicle market is still in coma and neither the exchange rate stabilization nor the Islamic Parliament’s approval made the situation better.
Khodrocar – From 29 days ago that the domestic vehicle market began their activity, the vehicle market stagnated. The stagnation, which was a big problem in the year 1396 for the car market, is continued in the New Year.

However, this year the situation is a little bit different. In the beginning of the year, the market experienced an exchange rate fluctuation and the vehicle prices started to rise.

The dollar exchange rate reached 60 thousand IRRs and the vehicle importers officially stopped their business but the government set a new rate for the dollar (42 thousand IRRs) so maybe it could control the related market.

This is while nothing positive happened in the vehicle market and it is still in stagnation.
Does the actions of government effected the domestic and foreign vehicle market?

Saeid Motameni, Union President of Exhibition and Auto Dealers told Khodrocar regarding the issue: The vehicle market is still in mess. The companies doesn’t sell any vehicles but they pre-sale their products. There are some demands for the domestic vehicles but the problem is the lack of vehicles. Therefor some companies sell their product with higher prices.

He states: The situation is the same for importers. Three Iranian automakers, Iran Khodro, Saipa and Pars Khodro did not deliver any vehicle to the costumers.

Motameni emphasizes: "When the is no car in the market, the price difference and margin markets rise.

Khodrocar – The market is waiting for a miracle but some experts believe that the exchange rate stabilization and the government’s supervision is a useless strategy for handling the situation. The only thing that affects the market is market excitements.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh