News ID: 2523
Publish Date : 03 May 2018 - 08:49

Which company wins online taxi competition

The business of internet taxis is at its peak these days while a foreign company has joined the competition, we have to wait to see where the competition of better service ends and which application will be the winner of this game.
Khodrocar – these days using internet taxis have been getting popular because of its lower price and ease to use compared to other rental car agencies. Meanwhile the number of these companies grows every day and there are lots of options in front of people. With no doubt, the abundance of these companies will make the competition better and it would result as quality increment and best competitive prices.

The most important applications are Snapp, Tap30 and carpiono, also the new Russian intern "maxim” which is trying to find a market for itself. Among all companies, tap30 and Snapp are notable and from other active companies we can mention tach30, chi tax and ..  

It’s been a couple months that the competition of smart transportation applications has gotten hotter and regarding the presence of Russian maxim, the competition has been getting better. But are Iranian companies able to compete with this Russian newcomer which is active in more than 200 cities and 10 countries?

"right now, taxi maxim is available in 27 cities of Iran like Tehran, Ahwaz, Arak, Ardebil, Bandar Abbas, Dezfol, Gorgan, Hamedan, Esfahan, Karaj, Kerman, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Rasht, Sari, Tabriz, Zahedan and ….” Said Alireza Eskandari, an expert of education department of Russian Maxim application.

"In the passenger application some features have been considered like inserting the main passenger when you are getting a taxi for someone else,  ability to indicate having a child, receiving a prize for introducing new drivers and…” he added. "Our focus is on benefits for drivers and passengers, so we have the lowest price for passengers and the highest price for the driver. Right now, we are not receiving any commission from drivers, in addition our company has a plan to just accept young and talented people as employ.”

Now we have to wait and see the result of maxim’s presence in Iran’s internet taxi. Which company would be able to win this competition, the success of each company can lead to competitive pricing and an increase in the quality of service.

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazil Suri

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani