News ID: 252
Publish Date : 19 August 2017 - 17:07

Top 10 Automakers For June 2017: Volkswagen Reigns And Notion Of 'Peak Car' Takes A Hit

Reports of the imminent loss of Volkswagen’s worldwide sales crown are exaggerated, global data house JATO Dynamics suggests in its list of the top 10 global automakers.
Khodroca - Volkswagen Group is firmly in the top position on this list, while Renault-Nissan and Toyota are neck-and-neck in the next two places. Also: "Peak car” appears to be an American phenomenon.

JATO’s list is slightly skewed because it does not count heavy trucks and buses. On the other hand, the list should be closer to retail reality because it strives to reflect true sales to end users.

Of course, we have all heard that the auto business peaked. Not really, the LMC Automotive research company says.

According to its recent report, total global light vehicle sales were up 3% in the first six months of the year. Peak car depends on where you are. Light vehicle sales slid 3% in the U.S. while next door in Canada, they climbed 5.1%. In former basket cases like Eastern Europe, sales were up 8%; in previously suppressed.
