News ID: 233
Publish Date : 16 August 2017 - 09:27

Iran's automotive market arms are open wide to foreign investments

Considering the fact that the twelfth government will continue to attract the foreign investment and beside that the automotive market will grow; It seems that in the next 4 years major companies will be able to have a long-term investment in Iran.
Khodrocar – After BARJAM, the situation became very good for the foreign investments in Iran and in various industries such as automobiles and oil, few contracts were signed which showed that Iran is a good market for the assembly, production and supply of global products.

Considering the election of Hassan Rouhani as the president of twelfth government, the new government will follow up the goals of the previous one. So that Iran is very interested in attracting foreign investment.

Bahram Shahriari, an automotive industry expert, told Khodrocar journalist regarding the issue that what should the next Minister of Mining, Industry and Trade do for the automotive industry: The goal of the previous government was to control the inflation and the twelfth government must try to exit the economic stagnation. The development of international relations is the first priority of Iran’s automotive industry.

He added: Due to the multiplicity of automotive companies and low variety of products, the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade should reduce this multiplicity and increase the variety of products.

With these explanations, the twelfth government will emphasize on the international relations and also will enhance the context of foreign investment in Iran.