News ID: 218
Publish Date : 14 August 2017 - 09:27

Vehicle Import Regulations will undergo Changes

A month after the car import registration website came to a halt, Deputy Minister of Industry as the vehicle import authority in the government announced some news about new conditions over vehicle imports inside the country’s borders.
Khodrocar - "Car import registration will not reopen not until car import regulation plan is approved.” Said Mojtaba Khosrotaj, Deputy Minister of Industry announcing that the car import website will be closed until further notice. He insisted this act is being performed in order to move toward a transparency in the field of vehicle import to Iran.

Based on the very guideline, the draft of which last month was taken to the ministry board by the ministry of industry, companies have the jurisdiction to import vehicles only if partials of the import value is produced in Iran.

The importers on the other hand and based on this guideline have to use 50 percent of exporters’ currency, which was put to discussion 5 years ago in the regulating exchange rates session and yet is not approved. This discussion was started because there are two different exchange rates in Iran.

"Allocating exchange to exporters has not been approved in any official organization therefore cannot be adduced not until it is approved.” Said Farhad Ehteshamzad, Deputy of Vehicle Import Association to Khodrocar reporter.

It is now almost a month that registration for import vehicles are closed in Iran and the importers cannot register name of any vehicles to be imported to the country. Now based on what Deputy of Ministry of Industry said, the vehicle registration are closed to CBU vehicles but other companies with assembly production lines can still import their needed parts.

It seems those automotive brands that do not have productions in Iran now have to either step forward in the way of production to save their market share in Iran or just wait so maybe one day the regulations might change when the new Ministry of Industry sits behind it desk.

By: Asal Dadashloo