News ID: 209
Publish Date : 13 August 2017 - 09:35

Planning Brings a Brilliant Future to Commercial Trucks

In recent years, various commercial trucks companies which have not a large volume of production or import, have come to Iran's market. But it seems this market has a good future with an acceptable planning by the 12th government ministry and famous companies in the world.
Khodrocar - in recent years, Iranian commercial trucks market, has a good range of variations which are not only owed to china, but also European brands such as Renault and Volvo have import their productions to Iran's market. 

This cooperation and partnership is carried out in form of completed cars and internal assembly. In the context of internal assembly, the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade in 11th government has decided that companies should use  in process of  production and assembly, internal components. Regarding to this decision, parent companies and Iran have taken several meeting in order to accordance with Iranian laws.

Consider of signing international contracts, it seems that laws and regulations must be prepared, regulated and available to the activists because this ready market for the growth can attract foreign investments. 

In response to this question : what should the next Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade do to persuade famous automobile company to enter Irans market : 

"A comprehensive roadmap for domestic automakers should be considered, as far as the automaker perceives, how much domesticization and exemption from customs tariffs will be in the first years of its activities, considered and developed ?"  Mehrdad Amini, an expert in the field of commercial tracks, said to the Khodrocar journalist. He adds : " Transparency in this field will help the manufacturer to know how much to invest, and on the other hand, it can show them in what conditions can they negotiate with foreign companies." 

He continued : " At the moment, making parts in Iran is more expensive than what is produced in China, and the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trades should reduce the production costs through cheaper facilities."   he also emphasized: "the government should pay more attention to accelerate the lunch and implementation of national projects, because a part of commercial trucks market  is related to the development and infrastructure of the country." 

Amini has told that the development of economic activities based on export and transit of goods has a significant bearing on the market of commercial trucks. He explained :" the replacement of worn-out cars has a profound impact on the commercial vehicle  market, and each government has done something about this field. but through performing the plan in a n acurate way the low sales in this market will be eliminated."

So, it seems that in addion to the strategic document of the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade, in automobile industry, it is required to have a comprehensive plan. In this situation and with a general look at construction and infrastructure projects, as well as the replacement of worn-out commertial truks, this potency market will grow.