As 2024 begins, I am keen to share my team in Marketsandmarket’s insights and forecasts for an industry on the cusp of transformative changes, with significant advancements in connectivity, electrification, and sustainability.
News ID: 4712    Publish Date : 2024/01/14

BERLIN (Reuters) - Ministers from Germany, France and Britain have written to senior U.S. officials urging them to protect European companies working in Iran from getting caught up in Washington’s new sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
News ID: 2776    Publish Date : 2018/06/06

Considering the fact that the twelfth government will continue to attract the foreign investment and beside that the automotive market will grow; It seems that in the next 4 years major companies will be able to have a long-term investment in Iran.
News ID: 233    Publish Date : 2017/08/16

Khodrocar Reports:
latest reports regarding the quality of the domestically produced vehicles in Iran just came out
News ID: 133    Publish Date : 2017/08/01