News ID: 1846
Publish Date : 08 February 2018 - 10:02

Setting Logical Tariffs, the Only Way to Rescue Imported Vehicles Market

The imported vehicle segment has been struggling with different problems since 9 months ago and exchange rates fluctuate is one of the most important problems. Currency value increment could destroy the market of imported vehicles and importer brands.
Khodrocar – increment of currency value in the past half year hurts the auto industry, but with no doubt, no one has hurt more than vehicle importers. The effects of currency value increment and increment of vehicle importing tariffs in the recent instruction by the government are obvious in the final price of imported vehicle.

The government is doing its best to decrease the currency value or make it stable, but it is not happening yet. What will happen to the auto industry and imported vehicle market if the currency value increases like recent months?

"Right now, most experts believe that the currency value will increase and importers don’t want to lose the potential market of the new year. The current situation of currency value will decrease the requests in the imported vehicle market because a 25 thousand dollar car will have a final price of 70 thousand dollars in Iran and it is not logical.” Said Babak Sadraei, an expert on the auto industry.

"On the other hand, the new limitations of the government like banning import of over 40 thousand dollar vehicles or banning import of vehicles with over 2400 cc of engine displacement will decrease the variety of imported cars and these imported cheap cars will have a crazy final price that is not logical for a buyer to buy one of them.” He added.

"In the current market’s situation, buyers won't try to purchase a vehicle or they will look into second handed market. Setting better and logical tariffs is the only thing that the government could do for the imported vehicle market. Controlling the currency value is the responsibility of the government in order to control all products not only imported vehicle market.” Said Sadraei

"I believe that the government is not supported in this topic. It seems that the focus is on selling local products instead of supporting the whole industry. Importers don’t want to sell their cars with high prices, but they don’t have another way. The fastest way to control the market is decreasing and setting new importation tariffs.” He added.

Khodrocar Reporter: Mostafa Anisi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani