The prices of domestic vehicles increased this year, specially the cars under 450 million IRRs, but it is not clear that is that price increment legal? Is there a need for national competition council for this market?
News ID: 2552    Publish Date : 2018/05/07

Removing the Dollar currency from the process of vehicle registration will have different long-term consequences and it could have a dramatic effect on the import of goods and related industries.
News ID: 2078    Publish Date : 2018/03/05

Chairman of Iranian Automobile Importers Association announced a meeting with the chairman of Iran’s Customs Valuation and said: Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration will investigate the pricing of imported vehicles.
News ID: 1674    Publish Date : 2018/01/20

Pricing imported vehicles is seemed to be a challenge in the days after SABTARESH website reopened and importers are talking about the customs unusual behavior in pricing imported cars.
News ID: 1636    Publish Date : 2018/01/16

KhodroCar Reports;
It is 5 months since the vehicle order registration website got closed and there is a chaos in the imported vehicle’s market. Now, there are some whispers about opening the website with some unusual tariffs.
News ID: 1381    Publish Date : 2017/12/18