News ID: 1631
Publish Date : 15 January 2018 - 09:18

Consequences of Auto Part Trafficking on the Industry

Part manufacturing does not have a good condition right now and parts smuggling is an additional problem for this industry. Some part manufacturers are getting pissed off from smuggling increment.
KhodroCar – parts manufacturing industry is facing some problems in mass production and selling their products in the market. In addition, they should struggle with underground production and smuggling too.

It has been said that auto part manufacturing is increasing in Iran, but underground production and smuggling had increment too and this is making problems for manufacturers.

During the recent years, supporting domestic products, controlling product distribution and fighting smuggling goods, are emphasized too much, but a local part manufacturer and automakers lost more than before. In some cases auto part workshops shut down.

According to the statistics, annual auto part official importation and smuggling are about 1.1 billion dollars, which consist 50 to 60 percent of local production value. Smuggling does not have added value tax, customs tariffs and etc. Regarding this problem, it was planned to open the produced parts approval system and auto part smuggling system which are not happening yet.

"We are looking to open the auto part smuggling combat system soon to end this problem. This system will have a tracking option which will prevent the distribution of smuggled product." Said secretary of Iranian Specialized Manufactures of Auto Part Association, Arash Mohebi Nejad, to KhodroCar.

"Right now, we follow up the procedure of launching this system, but the opening time of the website is not clear at all. We are hoping to see this system in the next year to see the auto part smuggling decrement." said Mohebi Nejad.

"The system for fighting smuggling goods has not opened yet. The most important thing is the volume of smuggling, which would harm the local market. The smuggled goods will have bad effects on the market and they could even harm customer's trust." He added.

"Auto parts smuggling negative effects are too much. There are different kinds of smuggling, first of them are producing parts in China then they will import it into the country under local brand names. The second one is producing parts underground, then distribute it under famous brand names." Said Bahram Shahriari, an expert in the auto industry. "The third one is importing parts from other countries illegally and distribute in the aftermarket."

"The increment of trafficked goods entering the country will have bad effects on part manufacturers and some of them may be removed from the market due to lack of competing power." He said. "Also, it will harm consumers too. The best way to fight smuggling is supporting local manufacturers and increasing the quality of local products."

KhodroCar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

KhodroCar Translator: Amin Zamani