News ID: 1470
Publish Date : 26 December 2017 - 14:46

Great Subside for CNG Fuel Consumers

Chairman of the board of Iran’s CNG Industry Association announced a suggestion for an incentive package for dual-fuel vehicles to the Parliament's Energy Commission and said: “We are working on offering fuel purchase card.”
Khodrocar – Ardeshir Dadras told Khodrocar about the suggestion: "According to the suggestion, If the gasoline price increases, a fuel purchase card will be given to 4 million CNG cars.”

He added: "This incentive package will recompense the increment of gasoline price and only include public transportation and taxis.”

According to Chairman of the board of Iran’s CNG Industry Association, this suggestion is in order to increase the consumption CNG and reduce the gasoline consumption.”

He stated: "Currently, this suggestion is under development and after the approval of gasoline price increment, it will be presented to the Energy Commission.”